Custom Paintings

Custom Paintings, Oil-Painted

Get a stunning painting of noble aesthetics and bright colors, an authentic oil painting on canvas.

We do personalized paintings, custom pieces from photographs or from our famous artists’ database. Our team of artists replicate all details with great accuracy, oil on canvas: portraits, landscapes, personal photographs and images that are not available in our store.

Check out some examples of our Custom Oil Paintings:
Click to enlarge.

Oil Painting from a Photograph

Our custom picture-canvases are not printed, they are 100% hand painted, oil on canvas. The pieces are carried out by our team of professional artists. We hand the painting over to you with a white edge of approximately 3 in. That way they are ready to be framed if desired.


The prices vary upon the level of difficulty and the size. Generally, the detail of the picture and the number of faces are the main factors that determine the difficulty of the piece. For this reason, we make the quotes individually. To have an idea of the price, check out the paintings in our store.

Get a quote by Contacting us or writing to the following email:, show us the image and the measurements you want for your painting.

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